Last updated 24 September, 2024

The Board of Directors of EMV Capital PLC is responsible for the governance of the Company, governance being the systems and procedures by which the Company is directed and controlled. High standards of Corporate Governance are a key priority of the Board, and the Directors believe that they govern the Company in the best interests of the shareholders.

The Board’s view continues to be that sound governance is an essential element of a well-run business and is the responsibility of all. The Company follows the code published by the Quoted Compliance Alliance (QCA) as the benchmark for governance matters.

The posts of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer are held by different Directors. The Board is balanced by there being an appropriate number of non-executives with at least two of the Directors at all times during the year being non-executive directors. The Board meets regularly throughout the year, quarterly for major milestones and KPI reviews, and more frequently for ongoing business matters and investment decisions. Arrangements are made to enable information in a form and of a quality to be supplied to Directors on a timely basis to enable them to discharge their duties. Additionally, special meetings take place or other arrangements are made when Board decisions are required in advance of regular meetings. Certain matters are reserved for consideration by the Board (with other matters delegated to Board committees). The Board is responsible for leading and controlling the Group and in particular, setting the Group’s strategy, its investment policy and approving its budget and major items of expenditure, acquisitions and disposals.

Board Committees

The Board has delegated certain of its functions and responsibilities to the following committees:

  • Audit & Risk Committee (Dr Jonathan Robinson, Chair of Committee): The audit committee has responsibility for considering all matters relating to financial controls and reporting, internal and external audits, the scope and results of the audits, the independence and objectivity of the auditors and keeping under review the effectiveness of the Company’s internal controls and risk management. For more information, download the audit committee’s terms of reference
  • Remuneration Committee (Dr Jonathan Robinson, Chair of Committee): The Remuneration committee has responsibility for making recommendations to the Board on the Company’s policy for remuneration of senior executives, for reviewing the performance of executive directors and senior management and for determining, within agreed terms of reference, specific remuneration packages for each of the executive directors and members of senior management, including pension rights, any compensation payments and the implementation of executive incentive schemes. For more information, download the remuneration committee’s terms of reference
  • Nominations Committee (Dr Charles Spicer, Chair of Committee): The nomination committee has responsibility for considering the size, structure and composition of the Board of directors, and the retirement and appointment of directors, and will make appropriate recommendations to the Board about these matters. For more information, download the nomination committee’s terms of reference

Principles and Approach

The corporate governance framework which EMV Capital plc has set out, including board leadership and effectiveness, remuneration and internal control, is based upon practices which the Board believes are proportionate to the risks inherent to the size and complexity EMV Capital’s operations.

The Board has adopted the principles of the Quoted Companies Alliance Corporate Governance Code (“the QCA Code”) published in April 2018, which is the standard deemed appropriate by independent bodies for small and mid-size quoted companies in the UK. The extent of compliance with the ten principles that comprise the QCA Code, together with an explanation of any areas of non-compliance, and any steps taken or intended to move towards full compliance, are set out below: